
Search results

  1. Penny Nemitz, Learning Lab Coordinator/STEP


  2. Watch for Palmer Amaranth

    more common.  There are stories of growers spending $100/acre and more to hire labor to hand pull ...

  3. News from Academic Affairs

    Autumn 2020 Academic Calendar Changes: Due to COVID-19, alterations were made to the AU20 Academic Calendar. View the Academic Calendar here. Note: The “View My Class Schedule” feature in BuckeyeLink does not currently reflect all these changes, specifica ...

  4. Regional 9:OH5: Nerdology

    REgional 9:oh5: NERdology game show Think you know a lot about a lot? Are you the one who always seems to have the answers to your friends’ questions about pop-culture, video games, and comic books? Do you rarely need to google stuff? Then Nerdology is th ...

  5. Join 4-H in 2019!

    Projects? No, in addition to completing educational projects, 4-H offers summer camping experiences and the ...

  6. Keep Yourself Moving in the Winter Months

    Sunburns and skin damage can happen in winter just like summer. In fact, snow reflects the sun’s rays, ...

  7. The Farm Balance Sheet

    of liabilities include feed and seed expenses, fuel, supplies, veterinary bills, custom hire ...

  8. Try out this apple butter recipe for a fall treat!

    officially here.  I hope that you have enjoyed the extended summer season, but I must admit, I’m ready for ...

  9. Are you an American Degree recipient?

    Collegiate FFA would like to reach out to all American Degree recipients to fill this out to collect their information for a recognition ceremony that we would like to begin planning for spring semester. This form needs to be filled out by the end of the ...

  10. Looking for On-farm Nutrient Cooperators

    questionnaire about soil management All lab analyses will be paid for and we will work with you to ensure that ...
