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  1. Gates Millennium-HSF Bridge Builders Forum

    college and what to expect as college students. There will also be information sessions for parents. In ... discuss the application process for the GMS scholarship, which provides eligible students the opportunity ...

  2. SÕL-CON: The Brown and Black Comix Expo Opening Reception

    authors/artists will feature their work, comic book creating workshops for high school and middle school students ... their work, comic book creating workshops for high school and middle school students, academic panels, ... Young Scholars Program, Latino Student Association, Black Student Association, Upward Bound, Todd ...

  3. Register Now for Homecoming!

    Cart & Walking Tour of the new Student Success Center, enCORE (Ohio State’s solar-powered, ... student-designed and-built house) & Chadwick Arboretum Tour of Parker Food Science and Technology Building, ...

  4. Graduate/Professional Student Orientation & Networking Reception

    students to meet and network with those in different fields of study as well as alumni, faculty, staff, ...

  5. Ash Trees Replaced in Sphinx Honors Grove

    Arboretum staff and volunteers planted on a snowy Fall day in 1995 with the Sphinx Senior Honorary students ...

  6. DEADLINE: Proposals for Ohio State- FAPESP/Brazil Collaborative Research Awards

    Office of Research News Ohio State/Brazil 2015 joint Call for Proposals now open POSTED: MAY 12, ...

  7. CFAES Welcomes New Alumni

    benefits of alumni status from the following speakers: Dr. Pat Whittington, Assistant Dean, Student ...

  8. Gypsy Moth 'Mating Disruption' Treatments to Begin in Eastern and Central Ohio

    the gypsy moth becomes popular in some unexpected places like it did last summer in downtown Columbus. ...

  9. Researcher Studying Agriculture Fairs and Flu Among Pigs

    safe from flu. This summer Bowman’s research is especially relevant as the Ohio Department of ...

  10. Ohio State Environmental & Sustainability Career Expo

    Open to all current Ohio State students. (Bring your BuckID to check in) Recent Ohio State Alumni from ...
