
Search results

  1. Forestry Forum Christmas Tree Sale

    The Ohio State University Forestry Forum, a group for students working toward forestry careers, ...

  2. Fall Native Tree Sale

    locations on the OSU campus. He planted rows of oaks by the married student apartments near Ackerman and ...

  3. Chan Ho Park received a Student Travel award for ISRFG

    Congratulations to Chan Ho Park who received a Student Travel award for ISRFG in Jeju, Korea. ...

  4. Miguel won Best Graduate Student Oral Presentation at the 2007 PMBB meeting on March 30.

    Miguel won Best Graduate Student Oral Presentation at the 2007 PMBB meeting on March 30. ...

  5. Ash Trees Replaced in Sphinx Honors Grove

    Arboretum staff and volunteers planted on a snowy Fall day in 1995 with the Sphinx Senior Honorary students ...

  6. Gautam has been selected as a recipient of the Zahir Eyal Student Travel Award for the 2008 APS Annual Meeting in Minneapolis on July 25-30. Congratulations to Gautam on this honor!

    Gautam has been selected as a recipient of the Zahir Eyal Student Travel Award for the 2008 APS ...

  7. About Us

    educators, staff and students from different departments, research centers and stations, and Extension ...

  8. Nun has been selected as a recipient of the H. David Thurston Student Travel Award for the 2008 APS Annual Meeting in Minneapolis on July 25-30. Congratulations to Nun on this honor!

    Nun has been selected as a recipient of the H. David Thurston Student Travel Award for the 2008 ...

  9. Congratulations to Miguel!

    Congratulations to Miguel! He has been granted a student travel award of $500.00 to attend the APS ...

  10. Lab Thanksgiving Party, Nov. 20, 2018

