
Search results

  1. Extension Management Structure Task Force Update

    working toward finalizing recommendations by late summer/fall.  note: This update was shared on the ...

  2. Kennel Technician Position

    the beginning of May (permanent position preferred but willing to hire for the summer only!) who can ...  The Vet Clinic in Worthington is looking to hire a new part time kennel technician to start at ... work Thursday and Friday nights and either Saturday evening or any time Sunday.  Any students ...

  3. College Savings Options

    graduation with 62% of students having some form of college loan (The Institute for College Access & ... a student loan may be on a college graduate entering the workforce. Starting to save for college is a great ... retirement should be a priority. Only with additional funds, should a college savings be pursued. Students ...

  4. Ohio JCEP Scholarships and Grants

    International Federation for Home Economics Conference) Abigail Comar, community outreach specialist, Ohio Sea ... Grant in Lake County ($750 to attend the International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR) ... Experiences) Jessica Lowe, FCS educator, Pickaway County ($250 for summer cooking programs in Pickaway County) ...

  5. Nutrient Removal for Field Crops in Ohio

    numbers for a particular area and crop, send a sample to a lab for testing and use that value for crop ... goal and previous crop; since forages are a summer crop, mineralization of nitrogen will occur, ... contributing to nitrogen sources. Table 8. Nitrogen recommendations for summer-annual grasses   Yield goal ...

  6. Dr. Kirby Krogstad receives ADSA Midwest Scholar Award

    research accomplishments of recent PhD graduates or current PhD students from the ADSA Midwest Branch in ... Meeting. The intent of the Young Scholars Program is to recognize the accomplishments of students in many ...

  7. Minding the Brand: Is Your Professional ID on Brand?

    State University Extension at fairs, camps, and many other programs this summer! Our physical presence ...

  8. Hot Water and Chlorine Treatments to Eradicate Bacterial Plant Pathogens from Vegetable Seeds

    pathogens beneath the seed coat. Cucumber seeds may internally harbor the bacterial pathogen that causes ...

  9. Chronic Wasting Disease Workshops Planned

    Chronic wasting disease (CWD) in Ohio’s wild deer herd will be the focus of multiple summer ...

  10. Live Healthy Live Well Team Shares Heat-Related Illness Information

    The intense heat that hit Ohio last week is a reminder that summer is here, and we need to be safe ...
