
Search results

  1. Weather Trends and Pest and Disease Impacts on Soybeans Webinar

    interactions and host resistance. His lab addresses the short- and long-term stakeholder priorities of soybean ...

  2. Weed Science Field Day

    Betsy Cunningham, Graduate Student: Planting Green for Corn Alyssa Essman, Assistant Professor, Weed ... Student: Long-term Cover Crops Eugene Law, Assistant Professor, Weed Ecology: New Technology in Weed ... Science and Legacy Trials Ella Poling, Incoming Graduate Student: Metribuzin in Ultra-Early Planted ...

  3. Sumer Is The Perfect Season For Homemade Ice Cream

    ingredients was incorrect. During our summer events together, I’m sure the activities and traditions will have ...

  4. Five Ohio teens selected to be Roth Scholars

    two-year pilot will provide 25 high school students with employability skills that business leaders seek, ...

  5. Reiley Murphy

    Reiley Murphy Laboratory Animal Technologist 2 Lab Animal Facility Staff ...

  6. Weed Management in Hot, Dry Conditions

    that these conditions are likely to persist during the summer and through harvest. With variable ...

  7. Ohio teens selected as Roth Scholars

    two-year pilot will provide 25 high school students with employability skills that business leaders seek, ...

  8. Hay! How You Gather and Store Yours Matters

    potential loss to around 8 percent. Summer programs scheduled on grazing, manure There are several summer ...

  9. SCN and Soil Health Testing Opportunity for Ohio Growers

    Pathology and Nematology Lab at OSU for SCN testing. This initiative aims to furnish Ohio soybean growers ... utilized for SCN testing. Additionally, by submitting your soil samples for SCN testing to our lab, you ... Sample Submission Form, and mail your samples to: OSU Soybean Pathology and Nematology Lab Attn: Horacio ...

  10. A Balanced Life: Personal Wellness Is More Than Just Eating Vegetables

    find helpful for ideas. You can find the guide at  This summer ...
