
Search results

  1. Environmental Professional Network’s Public Breakfast Club

    students. Registration for the workshop, which includes lunch, is $18, or $10 for students. Registration for ...

  2. May 16 at Ohio State: 2 Ways to Turn Your Home Greener

    students. Registration for the workshop, which includes lunch, is $18, or $10 for students. Registration for ...

  3. Online Class Improves Workplace Communication with Latinos

    and, if possible, alone,” Pasian said. Students would have up to six months to complete the course, ...

  4. Communiqué November 23, 2011

    Dr. Moser and the college; our Facebook site; blogs, news feeds, photos, and other online information. ... eTimekeeping and eLeave As part of an on-going effort to streamline processes and strengthen internal controls, ... only (no timesheet is required). All bi-weekly paid employees (regulars, temps, students) will access ...

  5. Give-em a Pickle Customer Service- Online Workshop

    service to students, the public and even our co-workers. Our job is to serve our customers by giving them ...

  6. Ohio State Tour to Highlight Columbus' Growing Urban Agricultural Industry

    five urban farms this summer to highlight the work urban farmers are doing and to educate consumers on ...

  7. Online Tickets for Farm Science Review Available

    Area that are geared specifically for school groups. Students can also participate in STEM and other ...

  8. Grad Student Essays on Entomology Today

    Check out these two essays  authored by graduate students Andrea Kautz and Katie Todd, published ...

  9. Managing Wildlife Conflicts in your Landscape Workshop

    featured his work. So have National Geographic, ABC News and dozens of other media outlets. Titchenell is ...

  10. Congrats Grad Student Award Winners

    Congratulations to the Graduate Student Award Winners: Susan W. Fisher Teaching Award: Erin ...
