
Search results

  1. Department to hire Academic Program Coordinator

    marketing, recruitment and application review for graduate students, graduate student serivces and serving as ...

  2. ACEL students participate in CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum

    Students from the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership (ACEL) ... competed in the annual CFAES Undergraduate Student Research Forum on Tuesday, February 28, 2017.  Shelby ... CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum provides a means for undergraduate students to share their research ...

  3. Is your Emergency Action Plan up to date?

    emergency response could be affected by seasonal changes. (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter) It is a good idea ...

  4. May 2015

    safety news and activities that may be re-published in your own newsletters or programs. If you have ...

  5. April 2015

    safety news and activities that may be re-published in your own newsletters or programs. If you have ...

  6. Grain C.A.R.T. Receives National Recognition

    The Grain C.A.R.T. program received a Blue Ribbon Award this past summer at the annual meeting of ...

  7. Preview Of Science of Agriculture 2017

    students’ passion for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The program offers a variety ...

  8. Deadline: Student Delegate Selection

    All CABLE Student Delegates must be chosen and communicated to The Ohio State University by ...

  9. National Farm Safety and Health Week, Sept. 15-21, 2013

    to people that aren’t typically included in other workforces.” To read the whole article, ...

  10. Specht elected to Ohio State’s University Senate

    university function as a unified institution and is made up of faculty members, students and administrators ...
