
Search results

  1. The Ohio State Univeristy CFAES launches Center for Cooperatives

    cooperatives and support rural economic development. Furthermore, the Center will provide students and ...

  2. Vinayak Shedekar visits FAO to attend the Global Symposium on Soil Organic Carbon

    at national and international levels through the IPCC, UNFCCC, and UNCCD frameworks. The symposium ...

  3. Student Profile

    Student Profile Mauris et lorem vitae est malesuada pretium vitae quis mauris. Ut ...

  4. Ohio brewing and hop production FAQ’s

    Friday” hop yard tours, summer field nights and a 2-day winter workshop. In 2013, 300 growers attended the ...

  5. Collaboration between The Ohio State University South Centers and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

    and students to conduct applied research and educational programs on 21st century sustainable ... and (3) Evaluation of Soil Quality to the faculty members, scientists, and students of the Academy of ... no-till farming.”  Moreover, Wayne Lewis provided demonstrations and hands-on training to Academy students ...

  6. Leave the Tilling to Mother Nature

    France. More workshops are planned for the summer in Ukraine and China, in the fall, in Uzbekistan and in ...

  7. Additional Projects

    Double harvests; first during summer (green) followed by winter (dry) and, (C) Multiple harvests (green) ...

  8. OCDC achievements

    Specialists with OCDC lead programs for high school agricultural science students from Portsmouth and Piketon, ... Ohio, and presented to business students at the University of Rio Grande. Technical Assistance In order ...

  9. Urban agriculture: an emerging avenue

    and waste management. In most U.S. climates, the chickens can be outdoors only in spring and summer ...

  10. Business Development Network Updates

    local lumber businesses; however, a few of the attendees were local high school students and support ...
