
Search results

  1. CD Wire- March 11, 2014

    ***************************************************************************** REMINDERS / UPDATES / NEWS: ESP Elevator Speech Contest Winners: The winning entries for the ESP ... decipher the lab results. And with more Ohio well water being analyzed under a mandate that shale energy ... Articles/Publications of Interest: Communiqué  (March 5, 2014) Quick Byte: Digital Footprint  - ...

  2. A Walk Through Ohio's Forests

    Good, the Bad and the Invasive — will feature two helpful tools for teaching students about nature and ... Learning Tree’s pre-K through 8th grade activity guide, an activity guide for high school students, and ...

  3. CD Wire- October 1, 2013

    / NEWS: Welcome to the EdgeU Tech Blog! Four OSU Extension program professionals began.5 FTE (50%) ... scholarship, and creative works that come from Ohio State’s incredibly gifted faculty and students. Each issue ... will contain up-to-date information on awards by sponsor, research news, events, funding opportunities, ...

  4. Marvin Olinsky(Retired CEO, Five Rivers MetroParks) inducted into the National 4-H Hall of Fame

    exceptional leadership at the local, state, national and international levels. Honorees were presented with ... on regional, national, and international committees, including the Ohio 4-H Foundation Board (and is ...

  5. Rain, Rain, Will It Ever Go Away?

    Erie, which many municipalities rely on for their drinking water. In the summer of 2017, Lake Erie’s ...

  6. Great Lakes Professional Cattle Feeding and Marketing Shortcourse- Session 2

    person and $25 for each additional family/farm member (College, FFA/4-H students can register for $15 ...

  7. Great Lakes Professional Cattle Feeding and Marketing Shortcourse- Session 1

    person and $25 for each additional family/farm member (College, FFA/4-H students can register for $15 ...

  8. Preventing Your Combine From Going Up In Flame

    serious burns, according to news reports. Combines can catch fire when the dry plant material or grain ...

  9. CD Wire- December 3, 2012

    Columbus. The Farm to School program works to increase students’ access to healthy foods and to help them ... news release. ***************************************************************************** REMINDERS ... / UPDATES / NEWS: EEET Deadline December 14: If you still have EEETs to submit for inclusion in your 2012 ...

  10. Get Answers

    youth. The Ohio State University's Bee Lab provides research and outreach related to honey bees, ...
