
Search results

  1. Cargill Global Scholars Program

    fields of agriculture, business, computer science, economics, engineering, food science, international ...

  2. Ohio State will study how deglobalization could impact food, energy and water systems in region

    international demand for crops grown in the Great Lakes region. Farmers and other producers would eventually ... and professor of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics; international trade and policy ...

  3. Capstone Kickoff Meeting

    202 Bethany scheduled for Morgan Everly COE student  Repeats every week every Friday until Fri Dec ...

  4. East Ohio Women in Agriculture Conference Cost of the conference is $55 for adult participants and $30 for students. Conference fee includes ... available for those women and students who also plan to attend the Northeast Ohio Small Farm Conference on ...

  5. Ohio Centennial Activities

    Festival this summer. Eric Glaze and Ben Sanders of the Pathfinders 4-H Club in Warren County submitted ...

  6. Register Now for SmartAg 4.0! (September 16-17)

    4.0.  This event will bring together entrepreneurial-minded students interested in using technology to ... Administration Building on the Ohio State University campus and is open to all Ohio college students. The ... students to conceive, create and develop app‐based start-up business models in a team environment with the ...

  7. A. Belkofer Interviews

    for 2/16 from 8am-12pm for student interview the day after the CSM Career Expo? Let me know if that ...

  8. Annual BioBased Systems Workshop Focuses on Commercialization

    head of the Biobased Systems Analysis Lab. “The Ohio Soybean Council (OSC) is excited to provide ...

  9. AWARES Applications Due

    management skills program to prepare women STEM students for a smooth transition from college to work ...

  10. The Richard J. and Martha D. Denman Undergraduate Research Forum

    private donors. The Denman Undergraduate Research Forum provides an opportunity for undergraduate students ...
