
Search results

  1. Youth, Work & Money

    Where did you first learn to manage your money?  Maybe it was your first summer job that allowed ...

  2. Enjoy Outdoor Cooking Safely

    One of my favorite things about summer is eating outside.  Really, not just on a picnic table, but ...

  3. Be a Real Money, Real World Volunteer!

    knowledge with high school students. Students obtain an occupation, family and salary equivalent to the ... During the simulation, students have a chance to practice making spending choices and evaluate the ... consequences of their money management decisions in a hands-on way. As students move from booth to booth, they ...

  4. Managing for High Quality Stored Forage

    and early summer harvests for the producer to make high quality forage so observation and monitoring ...

  5. Harmony Farms Open House

    and humidity we have experienced this summer this is a good opportunity to look at a cow cooling ...

  6. 2017 Statewide Sheep Shearing School

    cost is $50 per student, which must be returned with registration form by Friday, September 1, 2017. As ...

  7. Soybean Tariff: How Much Could It Cost an Ohio Farmer?

    on a range of Chinese imports valued at $50 billion. Other international trading partners, including ...

  8. Fly Control Around Livestock Facilities

    during the summer and fall when temperatures work in favor of their reproductive cyle.  Flies can ...

  9. Upcoming OSU Weed Day on July 12

    that emerges primarily from late March through June and from late summer into fall, Loux said. The ...

  10. OSU Weed Day is July 12

    that emerges primarily from late March through June and from late summer into fall, Loux said. The ...
