
Search results

  1. Andrés Dejesús Sanabria Velázquez

    Andrés Dejesús Sanabria Velázquez Works Sanabria, A. 2014. Selection in vitro isolated from Trichoderma spp. for the control of Colletotrichum sp. causing anthracnose in strawberry. In: Third National Congress of Agricultural Sciences, San Lorenzo, Paragu ...

  2. McSpadden Gardener publications

    of the environment and for plant production. Proceedings of the international congress CODIS 2008 Feb ... Gardener, B. 2004. Tomato fruit rot pathogens resistant to fungicides. The Vegetable Growers News 38(3): ... cropping systems: Effects on soil and plant health. pgs. 581-591 In Proceedings of the 2002 International ...

  3. Landon H. Rhodes

    Outstanding Faculty, as voted by the students of Horticulture & Crop Science and Plant Pathology. Right: ...

  4. Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development Annual Meeting

    AIARD Annual Meeting 2017- Washington, D.C. This year’s AIARD annual meeting will explore the emerging science and implementation strategies of organizations working on climate smart agriculture and how these can contribute to agricultural growth and impr ...

  5. Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education Conference

    AIAEE 2017- Minneapolis, Minnesota Conference Agenda  (draft) Call for Abstracts Call for Posters Register for the Conference Reserve your Hotel Room Post-Conference Professional Development ...

  6. 2016 News and Highlights


  7. High School Student On International Stage

    Srinath Seshadri received several honors and awards for his project, "Ethanol production through biological pretreatment of Miscanthus sinensis using Pleurotus ostreatus."  Seshadri was mentored by Thomas K. Mitchell, associate professor in the ...

  8. News article: Are GMOs Bad? Sally Miller and Other Experts Weigh In ...

  9. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Pest and Disease Diagnostics for International Trade and Food Security: An International Short Course

    Please see the  Course Brochure  or contact  Nuris Acosta  for more information ...

  10. Presentations

    U.S.A.   Grafting eggplant to manage soilborne diseases: An international perspective. Oral presentation. ... managed tomato crops in New York, Ohio, and Maryland. Poster. C. F. SUMMERS (1), C. D. Smart (2), B. B. ...
