
Search results

  1. Using Local Woodlot Lumber

    between wood species can vary greatly due to the internal structure of each tree. These include size of ... due to age, growth rate, site conditions, and internal stress within the tree. The lumber from each ... a sawmill, cut into boards, and dried. If you don't have your own sawmill you can hire a portable ...

  2. Bed Bugs

    (USDA). International travel and commerce are thought to facilitate the spread of these insect ...

  3. Cicada Killer Wasp

    week in July and may continue throughout the summer months. Adults live approximately 60–75 days and ... emerge as adults the following summer. Cicada killers have only a single generation per year. Female ...

  4. COVID-19 and Deer Hunting Pathogen Safety

    deer per year ( ... contact with game meat and then disinfect them. Cook all game meat thoroughly to an internal temperature ... and parasites that may reside on or within the meat. Internal temperatures ranging from 145 F to 165 ...

  5. Blacklegged (Deer) Tick, Ixodes scapularis

    Larvae are most active in the summer and fall, nymphs are primarily active in the spring and summer, and ...

  6. Monitoring and Managing Spotted Wing Drosophila in Fruit Crops

    Ohio State University Department of Extension Andrew Michalek, Graduate Student, Plant Pathology, The ... to break down after exposure to direct sunlight during the summer season. Commercial traps are more ... Lee, J. C., Bruck, D. J., Dreves, A. J., Ioriatti, C., Vogt, H., & Baufeld, P. (2011). In ...

  7. Fall Armyworm in Ohio Field Crops

    ENT-0093 Agriculture and Natural Resources 08/25/2023 Kelley Tilmon, Professor, Department of ... strong sustained wind patterns that bring adults to our region, and hot local conditions (a hot summer ... stage. In Southern states, fall armyworm may spend about three weeks as caterpillars during the summer ...

  8. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio's Forests: Autumn Olive and Russian Olive

    early summer. Creamy-colored to light yellow with silvery exterior; bell-shaped and aromatically ... become shiny when mature in late summer and fall. Fruits persist throughout the winter. Seeds remain ... effective if done following a rain. Cutting and mowing is most effective when initiated in early summer ...

  9. Ohio Private Pesticide Applicator License Requirements: Who Needs a License and What Steps to Take

    Training: Core Student Workbook (OSU Bulletin 825-A) (supplemental exam ... category 1 or 3. Ohio Pesticide Applicator Training: Field Crops Student Workbook (OSU Bulletin 821 ... soil, grain storage, greenhouse, or any other confined areas. Stored Grain Student Workbook (OSU ...

  10. The Organic Certification Process for Farms

    a premium for many organic inputs, such as feed, seed, or soil amendments. An international review of ... an international nonprofit organization that reviews input products to evaluate their use in organic ...
