
Search results

  1. PhD Research Seminar

    AEDECON 8895 PhD Students presenting and discussing research in agricultural, environmental, and ...

  2. Energy, the Environment, and the Economy

    2001 (200), Econ 2001.01, 2001.02, or 2001.03 (200). Not open to students with credit for 565 or ...

  3. Canning Season Tips & Tricks, And Safety Measures Too

    Food preservation is a wonderful way to save the bounty of the summer for fall and winter.  It’s a way ...

  4. Teen Opportunities

    and international level.  Many of these opportunities help teens develop and practice important life ... international teen opportunities listed below! Wayne County 4-H Teen Opportunities 4-H Awareness Team Junior ...

  5. Alexis H. Villacis

    with international organizations including the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank, and ... Economies. He is also the current chair-elect of the International Section and the former chair of the ... was recognized by the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA) with their ...

  6. Junyoung Jeong

    Junyoung Jeong Ph.D. candidate 317 Ag Admin Building 2120 Fyffe Rd. MA, Economics, Technology Management, Economics, and Policy, Seoul National University, 2019 BE, Electrical Engineering, Korea Un ...

  7. Livestock Can't Take The Heat- Ways To Cool Them Down

    I spent much of the spring wondering if summer would ever arrive, and she definitely chose to bare ... off before water is applied again. This will maximize cooling and also limit water usage. Summer ... programs: Grazing school, Manure Field Day There are several summer programs I would like to make you aware ...

  8. Suraksha Baral

    Suraksha Baral PhD Student 244 Ag Admin Building 2120 Fyffe Rd Suraksha Baral  is ... a Ph.D. student in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics at The Ohio ... the National Oilseed Research Program in Nepal and as an Agriculture Intern at the Prime Minister ...

  9. Assessing Sustainability: Project Experience

    AEDECON 4567 Students gain experience in sustainability assessment by applying concepts and ... permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for ENR 4567. Cross-listed in ENR. Undergraduate ...

  10. Introduction to Sustainability

    AEDECON 2501 Introduces students to principles from various disciplines related to social, ... economic and environmental sustainability. Students will evaluate key concepts and examine tradeoffs that ...
