
Search results

  1. Winter 2019

    safety news and activities that may be re-published in your own newsletters or programs. If you have ...

  2. Environmental Professionals Network webinar 'Staying the Same, Yet Totally Different'

    Different” Organizations, facilitators, and educators all had to pivot and shift how to engage students and ...

  3. Keeping the Next Generation Safe

    Lydia Flores, OSU Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development, Morgan County Imagine a calm humid morning walking the fields with dad and the dog. The sun is just coming up over the trees as you check the moisture of the hay. Growing up on a farm is not alw ...

  4. Take Action Against Combine and Field Fires

    Wayne Dellinger, ANR Educator Union County and Dee Jepsen, Professor and State Agricultural Safety Leader Weather conditions have helped Ohio wheat fields mature – but these same conditions can lead to an increase in fires to combine harvesters and crop f ...

  5. 2010: A Year Like 1995

    courses that were successful in maintaining high quality turf throughout this difficult summer. These are ... annually. Water injection aeration was used every 2 weeks throughout summer. Topdressing was suspended prior ... to summer stress. Suspended granular fertilization and maintained nutrient levels by using weekly ...

  6. Manure Pit Safety

    Denny Riethman, ANR Educator Mercer County Wheat harvest will happen soon.  A common practice with livestock farmers is to apply manure nutrients following harvest of the wheat.  This increases the importance of reminding operators and applicators of foll ...

  7. December 2018

    safety news and activities that may be re-published in your own newsletters or programs. If you have ...

  8. Building Independence Through Agriculture ...

  9. Stay Safe Making Hay When the Sun Shines

    Richard Purdin, OSU Extension, Adams County ANR/CD Educator For many livestock producers June is a busy month, finishing the crop planting, caring for livestock, and harvesting first cutting of hay. Hay harvest can be a very labor intensive and time-consu ...

  10. November 2018

    safety news and activities that may be re-published in your own newsletters or programs. If you have ...
