
Search results

  1. Contribute to an OSU Ag Safety and Health Fund

    Dispersal of funds may be used for: Student wages or assistantships for developing agricultural education or ...

  2. Hiring Youth for Seasonal Agricultural Jobs this Summer?

    The U.S. Department of Labor’s Agricultural Hazardous Occupations Orders (AgHOs) regulation prohibits 14 and 15-year-olds from operating farm tractors and attached powered equipment unless (1) they are working on a farm owned/operated by their parent or l ...

  3. Safe Operation of Tractors while Mowing along Roadways

    services (FACE 98KY077).” With more than adequate rainfall this summer, the grass and weeds will likely be ...

  4. News

    plan to teach 500 students about ATV safety through school assemblies, day camp sessions, and Rider ... Education Courses; we plan to enroll and issue certificates of completion for 450 students participating in ...

  5. Announcing a New On-line Resource for Farm Safety & Health

    exciting news for educators, injury outreach specialists, and also farm workers. The on-line resource will ...

  6. Ohio State Food Waste Collaborative Conference

    researchers, practitioners and students working together to promote the reduction and redirection of food ...

  7. Tractor Accident Can Happen to Anyone

    traumatic injuries. The video was distributed to over 5,700 farmers in late summer 2005. Accompanying the ...

  8. Ohio’s Extension Leader Retires After Long, Productive Ride

    Leadership after taking a couple of months off.  He will also teach and advise students in the college’s ...

  9. Dale A. Seiberling Receives Ohio State Alumni Award

    materials. “Sparked during his years at Ohio State as an undergraduate (B.S., 1950), graduate student (M.S., ...

  10. Recognizing Farm Equipment Hazards

    to tissue, bones, or internal organs. Crush points can include being caught under or between moving ...
