
Search results

  1. Ohio State ASM Club Attends 2016 Grain Elevator and Processors Society (GEAPS) Exchange in Austin, TX

    stadium. Student then commuted three hours over to the GEAPS Exchange in Austin, TX. During this event, ... students were able to participate in the special Student Day session hosted by the organization that ... table discussions with experts from the field. After the morning Student Day session, attendees were ...

  2. Nov. 7 Science Café: Single Stream Recycling ...

  3. Farewell party for Da-Young Lee who finished her PhD in our lab and got a postdoc position at Purdue!


  4. NAHB Student Competition Team

    Thursday at 5pm for the following dates if possible. 11/30 12/7 12/14   It’s for the NAHB Student ...

  5. Ira Kuenzli- Agricultural Engineering Student

    Ira Kuenzli, Agricultural Engineering Student Why I chose FABE I chose agricultural engineering ... is the computer lab. You go there before or after your classes and see the same people there who tend ...

  6. Using Virtual Reality to Promote Farm Safety

    outreach education to farmers on grain handling safety. This summer, the C.A.R.T. was on tour across the ...

  7. SmartAg4.0

    SmartAg4.0 is a competition open to all Ohio college students who are passionate about ...

  8. Kick – Off Event with OSU EES and FLOW!

    The 5th Ave low-head dam was removed from the Olentangy River last summer, and the lower water ...

  9. Farewell party for Chan Ho Park to thank him for his many contributions to our lab!


  10. Heldman lab period

    219 BEthany reserved for Jacquelyn  Friday, April 10, 2020- 10:00am to 12:00pm ...
