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  1. Communiqué June 19, 2013

    topics. SEAC has 35 volunteer members plus a representative from the Director’s Internal Advisory Council ...

  2. News: Grape Field Day Aug. 27 to Focus on Dealing With Winter Injury

    HARPERSFIELD, Ohio – Wine grape and commercial grape juice growers can learn how to increase their production management skills and how to manage grape vines after winter injury during a workshop and winery tour Aug. 27 presented by horticulture and vitic ...

  3. 2016 ANR Summer Retreat

    Plan to bring your families  –  there are a lot of activities at Hueston Woods State Park to explore. ...

  4. News


  5. Communiqué November 20, 2013

    analyzing the evaluations of our summer programming. Using (new to me) technology, I was also able to ...

  6. News: Carrier of Lyme Disease, Blacklegged Ticks Now Established in Ohio

    A new study conducted by Ohio State University and the Ohio Department of Health has found that blacklegged ticks and Lyme disease are now an emerging public health concern in Ohio, as tick populations carrying the disease have become established, particu ...

  7. Communiqué August 29, 2012

    Partner Voice of the Faculty and Staff Voice of the Students “NOSC’s goal is to work collaboratively to ...

  8. Communiqué March 14, 2012

    low-income students; oversight of the Todd A. Bell National Resource Center on the African American Male and ...

  9. Communiqué August 24, 2011

    ongoing excellence in services to faculty, staff, students and/or others through communication, fairness, ...

  10. Communiqué February 13, 2013

    provided compliments of the OSU Multicultural Center, Office of Student Life. CFAES will be hosting the ...
