
Search results

  1. Experimental Insect Physiology and Molecular Biology

    goal is to create a student co-authored manuscript to submit to the Journal of Insect Physiology. ...

  2. Evolution and Diversity of Insects

    behavioral data. Students will study and learn about the evolutionary and developmental origins of anatomical ...

  3. General Entomology Laboratory

    Biology 1113, 1113H, 1114, or 1114H. Prereq or concur: Entmlgy 4000. Not open to students with credit for ...

  4. Evolution in Darwin's World and Ours: Context

    Entmlgy 3797.02E. Prereq: Fresh standing or above. Not open to students with credit for 3790H or 3797H. GE ...

  5. Animal Science Clothing Order

    We are now taking orders for departmental embroidered and silkscreen clothing items (button up shirts, polos, jackets, vests, tees, sweatshirts, hats, etc.). We’ve created a great  WEBSITE   with all of our products, color options, etc. for you to view an ...

  6. Dahee Ahn

    Dahee Ahn Graduate Student, Johnson Lab Rothenbuhler Honey Bee ... Achievement: Tree care expert course: Korean International Society of Arboriculture 2020 Certificate of ... International Program in Agriculture, The Ohio Program The Ohio State University Ahn, D.- CV.pdf- Any- Journal ...

  7. Plant Health Management Seminar

    students in the Master in Plant Health Management program. Topics and guest speakers may differ from ... semester to semester and will depend on student interest. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs. This course ...

  8. Mentored Teaching in Entomology

    ENTMLGY 6501 Students will work with faculty members to gain intensive hands-on mentored ... experiences focused on direct interaction with students and on the scholarly aspects of effective teaching. ...

  9. Pork Prospect Event

    Pork Prospect is an experience designed to connect undergraduate students with swine ... production. Their project aims to connect younger first year students with swine production early in their college career so ... that we can help secure future talent for the industry. Students reported having a better understanding ...

  10. Capstone Course: Problem-Based Studies in Plant Health

    ENTMLGY 5604 Students will be presented with a current plant health problem from the industry. ... students with credit for PlntPth 5604. Cross-listed in PlntPth. Undergraduate Graduate 2.0 ENTMLGY_PLNTPTH ...
