
Search results

  1. Gourapura lab publishes "An intranasal vaccine comprising SARS-CoV-2 spike receptor-binding domain protein entrapped in mannose-conjugated chitosan nanoparticle provides protection in hamsters" within Scientific Reports

    Recently Dr. Aradhya Gourapura's lab published their research, entitled: An intranasal ...

  2. CFAH Animal Care Staff recognized as OSU EHS Excellence in Safety Award Winner

    a university faculty or staff member (Individual Award), an undergraduate or graduate student (Student Award) ... and Isabella Richardson, an undergraduate student in Environmental Engineering, who was awarded the Student ...

  3. Kiden Lynch

    Sanitation Research Animal Health Assistance Undergraduate Student Assistant ...

  4. Linda Saif, PhD

    International Reference Lab for Animal Coronaviruses within the SARS Coronavirus Network and as an International ... Reference Lab for TGEV porcine coronavirus for the Office International des Epizooties, Paris, France. Dr. ... vaccines Food Animal Health Building, CFAES Wooster (330) 263-3742- office, (330)263-3616- lab (330) ...

  5. Dr. Linda Saif named 2023 ACVM Distinguished Veterinary Microbiologist

    support, and having mentored many successful graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Her ... 2015 she was awarded the prestigious international Wolf Prize in Agriculture. In 2003, she served as ... the World Health Organization’s advisor on SARS and her laboratory was recognized as an International ...

  6. ServSafe Online

    information allowing access to the online class. Student completes the online class (about 2-4 weeks)  and ... Office ( On the exam date, the student  brings to exam  a copy of the Certificate ... indicating successful completion of the online TAP course. Student takes the Manager Exam on the  ...

  7. Maria Chellis

    Military Community Advocate at the ATI campus. Lab PI: Dr. Ramon Zegpi Lagos Leadership: OSU/ATI Military ...

  8. Vlasova lab publishes article entitled "Increased COVID-19 Mortality and Deficient SARS-CoV-2 Immune Response Are Not Associated with Higher Levels of Endemic Coronavirus Antibodies"

    Recently Dr. Vlasova, Dr. Saif, and their staff and students collaboratively published a paper in  ...

  9. Veggies and More Tour

    OSU Extension will be visiting local gardens throughout the summer. Join OSU Extension staff and ...

  10. Campus Safety Procedures

    event of a tornado warning. Administration will try to notify Lab Animal Facility, NIH, and Germfree of ... sirens, or the local news media have announced an “all clear”. 3.3 Persons with disabilities should be ... CFAH building: any inside lab (especially a small lab within the large lab) restrooms near the office ...
