
Search results

  1. ChickQuest Logbook (Set of 25)

    chicks. Students are the scientists who help make it happen! This personal ChickQuest Logbook is used to ...

  2. Co-op Mastery: Beyond Cooperatives 101 Workbook (PDF)

    for Cooperatives available here. Co-op members, directors, managers, employees, and students of ...

  3. ChickQuest: A Classroom Journey Through a Life Cycle (Teacher Guide)

    is included. A ChickQuest Logbook (167R) is required for each student. ©2016. Nationally Peer ...

  4. Tractor & Machinery Certification Program

    Tractor & Machinery Operation Program On this site, the student can download the task sheets (a hard ...

  5. Leaf Identification Key to Eighty-Eight Ohio Trees

    novice student, woodland owner, or bird watcher for identifying 88 of Ohio's tree species. Diagrams ...

  6. Copyright Information

    of employment, the employer generally owns the copyright. This is known as "work for hire ... and students. Please see the policy for guidance on specific examples. If you intend to use someone ...

  7. Garth Ruff

    to joining OSU Extension, Ruff was a student in the Department of Animal Sciences at Ohio State, ...

  8. Peggy Kirk Hall

    Logan, LLP, Dublin, Ohio; attorney, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing, Michigan: intern, U.S. ...

  9. Department of Extension Peer Evaluation of Teaching

    characteristics: enthusiastic, self-confident, professional, interested in student success, approachable and ...

  10. Bee Lab Webinar

    Come learn more about bees and pollinators. We record and archive all webinars on the  Bee Lab ... website. If join our  Bee Lab contact list, you’ll receive reminders about these and other workshops we ... learn about in-person programs. I don’t generally send out notices or reminders to internal OSU lists, ...
