
Search results

  1. The Organic Certification Process for Farms

    a premium for many organic inputs, such as feed, seed, or soil amendments. An international review of ... an international nonprofit organization that reviews input products to evaluate their use in organic ...

  2. Upcoming Webinar: Weather Trends and Pest and Disease Impacts on Soybeans

    interactions and host resistance. His lab addresses the short- and long-term stakeholder priorities of soybean ...

  3. Battle for the Belt: Season 2 Episode 9- Planting Date & Disease

    Episode 9, Dr. Horacio Lopez-Nicora, Ohio State Extension Soybean Pathologist, and PhD student, Jenna ... projects in their lab. Early Planting Considerations: Figure 1. Disease triangle showing three required ...

  4. Farming with Alzheimer’s Disease

    Danielle Poland, Student Intern, Agricultural Safety and Health, Food, Agricultural and Biological ... prescribed medication as directed. If operating equipment is no longer feasible, hire a farmhand or local ...

  5. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio's Forests: Autumn Olive and Russian Olive

    early summer. Creamy-colored to light yellow with silvery exterior; bell-shaped and aromatically ... become shiny when mature in late summer and fall. Fruits persist throughout the winter. Seeds remain ... effective if done following a rain. Cutting and mowing is most effective when initiated in early summer ...

  6. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Japanese Stiltgrass

    season. Flowers —Delicate, spikelike flowers up to 3 inches long develop in late summer or early fall in ... in late summer just prior to seed head development to ensure contact with individuals that germinate ... (Table 2). Treatments can be applied from early in the growing season through mid-summer. These ...

  7. Measuring Standing Trees

    in Ohio, the Doyle and the International 1/4-Inch rules (Tables 1 and 2). Both of these rules provide ... timber industry and many professional foresters. The International 1/4-Inch rule is used by state ... International 1/4-Inch rule is generally considered to be the best estimate of the amount of lumber that can ...

  8. Narrow Row Spacing in Corn: Management Considerations for Ohio

    hybrids under narrow row spacing. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 12 (5), 661–667. ...

  9. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Bush Honeysuckle

    from mid-summer through early fall. Control Methods When trying to control non-native invasive bush ... Cutting and mowing is most effective when initiated in early summer when food reserves are at their ... Table 2. Late summer, early fall, or dormant season applications have all proven to be effective. Avoid ...

  10. Norovirus: A Different Type of Foodborne Illness

    Preparation Practices Any food can be contaminated with norovirus. Some foods can carry norovirus internally ... news about this virus is that it doesn't multiply in foods or water like bacteria. Also, this ...
