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The Ohio AgrAbility Peer-to-Peer Network
adaptation to farming with a disability. Every summer Ohio AgrAbility holds a meeting for the famers (Peers) ...
Hay Baler Safety
Mark Badertscher, OSU Extension, Hardin County ANR Educator Operating a hay baler safely is a concern in late July and early August when there is still straw in the field and later cuttings of hay to be made. Oftentimes wheat and hay fields that have more ...
July 2018
safety news and activities that may be re-published in your own newsletters or programs. If you have ...
June 2018
safety news and activities that may be re-published in your own newsletters or programs. If you have ...
Sun Hats
Protect yourself with a wide brim hat this summer. These hats are perfect for the outdoor sport ...
Keeping the Next Generation Safe
Lydia Flores, OSU Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development, Morgan County Imagine a calm humid morning walking the fields with dad and the dog. The sun is just coming up over the trees as you check the moisture of the hay. Growing up on a farm is not alw ...
May 2018
safety news and activities that may be re-published in your own newsletters or programs. If you have ...
Take Action Against Combine and Field Fires
Wayne Dellinger, ANR Educator Union County and Dee Jepsen, Professor and State Agricultural Safety Leader Weather conditions have helped Ohio wheat fields mature – but these same conditions can lead to an increase in fires to combine harvesters and crop f ...
Sun Hats
Protect yourself with a wide brim hat this summer. These hats are perfect for the outdoor sport ...
Manure Pit Safety
Denny Riethman, ANR Educator Mercer County Wheat harvest will happen soon. A common practice with livestock farmers is to apply manure nutrients following harvest of the wheat. This increases the importance of reminding operators and applicators of foll ...