
Search results

  1. New Director Announcement- Welcome, Dr. Laura Deeter!

    identification; as well as mentoring undergraduate students. serve as advisor for arboretum operations and ... Arboretum as a living classroom within the campus and the broader community.  mentor undergraduate interns ...

  2. Friends Membership Package- To Receivers

    while we provide student internship opportunities, collaborate with researchers and classes, and ...

  3. Friends Membership Package- To Donors

    flourish while we provide student internship opportunities, collaborate with researchers and classes, and ...

  4. OARDC Develops Excellent Internship Opportunities

    entire OARDC. Many researchers hire summer interns independently, sometimes through grant money. For ... internship," said Stacy Adams, an intern in Stockinger's lab. "This is a great opportunity for many ... offers students a wide variety of internship opportunities. The Department of Plant Pathology, for ...

  5. Join or Renew by Mail

    43210 Note, $15.00 Student Memberships can only be processed with a check as there is no "student ...

  6. Wooster Science Building

    incorporating chemistry teaching labs and associated support space. Lab and support spaces were designed to ... outreach programs by including the United Titanium Bug Zoo and 100-student multi-purpose classroom space ... faculty, staff and campus visitors. The laboratory areas consist of open labs, support space and ...

  7. Sarah Orlando named 2022 Raymond A. Schindler Excellence in Community Development Extension Award Recipient

    success that her partners requested to make it statewide. They also agreed to hire additional employees to ... Ohio. Hired in 1962 as an Area Extension Agent, Ray began his career in southern Ohio, based in Highland ...

  8. CD Wire- July 6, 2020

    sister and brother-in-law, who met at the lab.) That summer I met former Ohio Sea Grant Extension Program ... their well-being. AD Update:-David Civittolo, Interim Assistant Director Dog Days of Summer Welcome to ... the dog days of summer. What are the dog days of summer and when do they occur? According to The Old ...

  9. Tree Campus Higher Education

    connectivity, awareness, and engagement in tree management and forestry efforts in both the student population ... include a representative from each of the following groups: student, faculty, facility management, and ... annual expenditure of $3 per each full-time enrolled student, OSU dedicates approximately $5 per student ...

  10. Trevor Corboy

    Extension Brown County.  He has been with OSU Extension since November of 2012 when he was a student ...
