
Search results

  1. Public Speaking and 4-H

    grown up with computers and cell phones.  I can remember in middle school that I was that shy student ... returning to my seat after saying my Easter speech.  The good news is that I broke out of my shyness once ... and our teens will once again start thinking about putting in job applications for that summer job.  ...

  2. Ohio State Awarded $1.4 Million Grant to Induce 'Kidney Failure' in Malaria-causing Mosquitoes

    water it consumes, which it does by urinating, often while it is still feeding on the host." Hired by ... OARDC in the summer of 2011, Piermarini researched the mechanisms of renal function in mosquitoes while ... working as a postdoctoral research associate in Beyenbach's lab at Cornell. "We reasoned that if ...

  3. OARDC to Unveil Unique Ag Safety Facility Sept. 16 in Wooster: Public Invited

    enhancing its nationally and internationally recognized research programs on infectious diseases of plants ... use of cellphone cameras is also prohibited inside the facility. In addition to two BSL-3 labs, the ... risk of infection. Ohio State operates several BSL-3 labs on its Columbus campus, but this is the first ...

  4. UPDATE: Olympic-Sized Tale of Generosity Featuring Ohio State Retiree to be Told on NBC Editor: The photos are from Shirley Brooks-Jones. "Lewisporte.jpg" is an early-summer ... a People to People International board meeting in Denmark. Along with more than 250 other flights, her ... students in the area of tiny Lewisporte, a town of less than 4,000 that took in nearly 800 of the stranded ...

  5. 4-H CARTEENS Earn Community Service Hours for School

    Summer is officially over now that all the kids are back in school; Friday night high school ... football games are taking place all across Ohio; and, fall harvest is just around the corner.  Summer has ... agencies to the communities and society (Civic Literacy Project 2002), but overall, it is the students who ...

  6. OARDC Scientist Wins International Plant Pathology Award

    a WOOSTER, Ohio — Larry Madden, a professor of plant pathology at Ohio State ... award in August during the 9th International Congress of Plant Pathology held in Torino, Italy. ... recognitions received by our students, staff and faculty.” In addition to research, Madden has ...

  7. Ohio State Research Shows Dollar Value of Urban Trees, Benefits NE Ohio City

    student in the Department of Entomology at Ohio State University's Ohio Agricultural Research and ... summer of 2010. He then used the U.S. Forest Services' i-Tree Streets software to calculate the ... benefit the environment and the well-being of their communities." Compared to summer 2009-- when ...

  8. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of June 13

    Development Center, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster. Open house for high school and college students in conjunction ...  or 614-247-6876. June 13:  Summer Pruning Workshop, 8 a.m.-noon, Seaman Orientation Plaza, ... State University's Stone Lab on Gibraltar Island at Put-In-Bay. Speaker is Congresswoman Marcy ...

  9. Israeli Embassy International Ag Trade Expert to Visit Ohio State University

    January 2, 2008 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- An Israeli expert on international agriculture trade and polices ... International Trade Guidelines," at 11 a.m. in Agricultural Administration Room 105, 2120 Fyffe Road, on ... information and training among Israeli experts and university faculty, staff and students. Poleg assumed his ...

  10. Ohio State Offers Bioterrorism Course

    collaboration with the International Studies Program, will be offering undergraduate students a new course on ... course fills a gap in the Intelligence and Security track of the International Studies Program. "The ... International Studies Program, approached me and asked what we in the Department of Plant Pathology could do ...
