
Search results

  1. CFAES Selected to Host Distinguished Group from Moldova

    collaboration between the Office of International Programs in Agriculture and Ohio State South Centers, the ... improved high-value horticultural crop production, which is expected to lead to enhanced international ...

  2. Deadline: Academic Enrichment Grants Applications Due

    The Office of International Affairs is seeking applications for its Academic Enrichment Grants, ...

  3. Stinson completes internship with Penn State Extension

    The agriscience education major at Ohio State prepares students to teach agricultural science in ... secondary high schools. Our program provides students with a rigorous series of courses in technical ...

  4. Lininger completes internship with OSU Extension

    and Commodity Carnival projects at campus and fair. “The internships our students complete are ... prepares students to plan, develop, and implement a communication campaign, using visual media, writing and ... editing. Students study crisis communication, graphic design, marketing, and journalism so they can spread ...

  5. Research Proposal II

    AEE 8861 Companion course with 8860 in which students prepare a draft of chapter three for their ... theses/dissertation research. Students will be supervised by their graduate advisor in collaboration with the 8860 ...

  6. iAGRI PhD Student, Rita Mirondo, works to advance food processing in Tanzania

    Rita was sitting at a corner workspace for graduate students on the 3rd floor of Parker Hall, ... currently a PhD student in the Department of Food Science and Technology at Ohio State University’s College ... of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. She also is a sponsored student through iAGRI- the ...

  7. ACEL well represented at NACS

    Graduate students Alyssa Rockers and Abby Sanders, along with faculty Dr. Emily Buck, Dr. Joy Rumble and ...

  8. Ohio State’s AgriNaturalist named top student produced magazine

    The 2017  Agri Naturalist was named the top magazine produced by students by the National ... is an annual magazine produced by students in the agricultural communication major as a capstone ... project. It is also the longest running agricultural student publication in the United States, with the ...

  9. Howell completes internship with Fulton County Extension

    prepares students to teach agricultural science in secondary high schools. Our program provides students ...

  10. Cooperate Globally, Act Locally- Collaborative Stories of CFAES faculty and Borlaug Fellows

    International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program. The Borlaug Fellowship Program is ... international market access for U.S. agricultural products. The program’s namesake, Norman E. Borlaug, was an ... change. Alimata shares that CFAES staff and students are as nice as those in Burkina Faso, which has made ...
