
Search results

  1. Columbus Urban Farm Tour: Italian Village Urban Farm

    Join us this summer for the Columbus Urban Farm Tour Series! A joint project sponsored by OSU ...

  2. Lead Hikes during Wellness Week

    hours to lead some nature walks, of about 30-40 mins max. They have a land lab with trails and a pond as ...

  3. Mansfield Campus Students Are Redefining Urban Agriculture

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...

  4. Farewell party for Da-Young Lee who finished her PhD in our lab and got a postdoc position at Purdue!


  5. 2017 Urban Agriculture & Community Garden Summit: We Dig Ohio

    selection Registration is $60 or $45 for students with a valid ID, and includes admission to Franklin Park ...

  6. Dr. Wang has successfully organized the 4th International Rice Blast Conference held on Oct. 9-14, 2007 in Changsha, Hunan, China.

    Dr. Wang has successfully organized the 4th International Rice Blast Conference held on Oct. 9-14, ...

  7. Annual Conference of the Ohio Bluebird Society

    Displays, Silent Auction and more!   Fee is $30/non-OBS member, $25/OBS member, or $15/student 12 & ...

  8. Farewell party for Chan Ho Park to thank him for his many contributions to our lab!


  9. 2016 Wooster Campus Celebration of Nations

    Wooster campus students, staff and faculty from more than 30 countries display handicrafts, ... the students and invited members from the community. The event also features multicuisine hors ...

  10. 2015 Statewide Farm to School Conference- Local Foods Across the School Meal Tray

    vegetables and legumes Student panel and cook-off! Presented by Ohio Farm to School Agenda and Registration ...
