
Search results

  1. Cattle Breeder, Extension Educator Inducted in Dairy Hall of Service

    industry, elevated the stature of dairy farmers, or inspired Ohio State University students. The award is ...

  2. President Gee Observes Economic Successes with OSU South Centers Visit

    and faculty, staff and students to share in the successes of OSU South Centers since its opening in ...

  3. Using Custom Rates to Show On-Farm Savings with No-Till

    soybeans. In a small project, conducted by Reeder's students in a machinery management class, it was ...

  4. Horsemen's Association Meeting

    This upcoming weeks meeting for Horsemen's Association will be Tuesday September 6th introducing members to OSU Horse Barn's herd. The meeting will be at OSU Horse Barn (3658 Kays Avenue Dublin, OH 43017-1542) off of Sawmill road. We will be mee ...

  5. OARDC Honors 89 at Annual Employee Appreciation Night

    tradition, preceded the program. OARDC faculty, staff and graduate students work at Wooster, Piketon and ...

  6. U.S. Treasurer Applauds OSU Extension's Spanish Financial Literacy Class

    answered questions from students and insisted on the importance of opening checking and savings accounts as ...

  7. OUAB Movie on the Oval

    The Ohio Union Activities Board (OUAB) presents Movie On The Oval. Wrap up you first day of class with food, friends, and a feature film – All for FREE! Food is available beginning at 8PM While supplies last! Movie starts around 8:30PM. ...

  8. Governor Strickland Proclaims Master Gardener Volunteer Week

    throughout the summer. For more information on horticulture projects related to Mansfield's Bicentennial ...

  9. Be Proactive When it Comes to Soybean Rust

    Louis and this summer took the show on the road for a series of seven meetings. We are hopeful soybean ...

  10. News

