
Search results

  1. A Warm Welcome to Dr. Lijing Zhou to the Small Fruit Research and Extension Team at OSU South Centers in Piketon!

    evaluation, as well as strong laboratory skills and statistical analysis. As a student, she received numerous ...

  2. Dr. Hanping Wang visited Benha University and WorldFish Center in Egypt

    University have jointly trained two Ph.D. students and one visiting scholar.  Invited by Egyptian Embassy in ... Ph.D. students and one visiting scholar.  ...

  3. LIVE from the CFAES Center for Cooperatives, it's Co-Op Mastery

    co-ops, students of co-ops, and new co-op board members or employees.  “Co-op Mastery curriculum focuses ...

  4. FAHRP Research News

    FAHRP researchers have found evidence that early exposure to farm animals could lead to robust immune system development in children. Keeping livestock in the yard just might help your baby’s immune system ...

  5. Summer 2019


  6. Sara Fries

    Sara Fries PhD Student Rural Sociology 210 Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffey Rd. 614.688.1608 ... PhD student and academic advisor in the School of Environment and Natural Resources. Advisor: ...

  7. Winners Named in OARDC Research Poster Competition

    OARDC-supported graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and research assistants and associates. The center is ...

  8. November

    help students with the cost of attending. Specifically, PEEC sponsors the Precourt Fellows program ... which provides partial registration scholarships to encourage students to participate in BECC. The ... fellowship is awarded through a competitive application process. Selected Student Fellows receive ...

  9. Chan Ho Wins the CC Allison Award

    goes to an outstanding graduate student in their final year or two of study towards the Ph.D. It is ... awarded to a student who shows an excellent balance of academic progress (coursework and research) and ...

  10. Forestry and Woodlands Links

     (international organization certifying and auditing forests and operations meeting standards; Bonn, Germany ...
