
Search results

  1. Spotlight Fund: The Ohio State Fund for ATI

    students organize the Collegiate Future Farmers of America (CFFA) Leadership Conference Dinner, where 55 ...

  2. Winners Named in OARDC Research Poster Competition

    OARDC-supported graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and research assistants and associates. The center is ...

  3. Is your Emergency Action Plan up to Date?

    or boat.- Consider how emergency response could be affected by seasonal changes. (Spring, Summer ...

  4. Chili and Soup Cookoff

    The  Animal Science Graduate Student Association  would like to invite you to the  Chili and Soup ...

  5. Safety Considerations for Hay Baling Season

    Kent McGuire – OSU Ag Safety and Health Coordinator As we progress into summer, hay baling moves ...

  6. Soil Health and Water Quality – How Does It Affect Me? A Look at Edge of Field Studies and NCARS Water Samples.

    at the lab in Wooster for further analysis.  “They can expect quick turnaround on results and there ...

  7. Sweet Corn Evaluation, Field Walk and Taste It for Yourself

    at the lab in Wooster for further analysis.  “They can expect quick turnaround on results and there ...

  8. The OSU Food Safety Program – What Can It Do for You?

    at the lab in Wooster for further analysis.  “They can expect quick turnaround on results and there ...

  9. Alternative Crops Enterprises – Barley and Hops – Are They an Option for You?

    at the lab in Wooster for further analysis.  “They can expect quick turnaround on results and there ...

  10. Soil, Water and Bioenergy research and education collaboration across continents

    production with enhanced ecosystem services. Peter is the second intern to come to the OSU South Centers for ...
