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  1. Communiqué March 19, 2014

    produced foods and provide students with hands-on instruction about where food comes from and how food ... in locally-sourced foods and in improving the foods that are served to students. Additionally, ... used for Extension professionals. County directors – if you would like to purchase nametags for student ...

  2. Ohio's Agricultural Easement Purchase Program: An Evaluation of the Ranking System

    association of practitioners, academics, and students in economics, political science, and related fields. It ...

  3. Ohio State Expert to Offer Grain Outlook during 2014 Farm Science Review

    yields anticipated this year due to exceptional summer growing conditions, 2014 looks to be a record year ...

  4. 4-H Fundamentals – Summer Focus

    4-H Fundamentals are an effort to provide some focused training on foundational topics to better prepare 4-H professionals to handle their new (or not so new) role. This opportunity is open to anyone with a 4-H appointment regardless of current experience ...

  5. OSU Extension Intern Project Exhibition


  6. OSU Extension Intern Orientation


  7. November 11, 2018

    Happy Veterans Day!  ...

  8. Zoo-to-You!

    Pre-Veterinary Medical Association will be hosting Zoo-to-you on November 14 th, 2018 at the Veterinary Medical Center auditorium. Snacks will be provided! Come see animals from the Columbus zoo brought to you! ...

  9. Ph.D. Students Zhang and Wrenn Win the Graduate Student-Led Paper Competition at the 2012 Meeting of the North American Regional Science Council

    included an awards ceremony and at this year’s event AEDE Ph.D. students Wendong Zhang and Douglas Wrenn ... were awarded the Graduate Student-Led Paper Competition Award for “ Tests of the Urban Economic Model ...

  10. New Research from Alessandra Faggian Questions Persistent Employment and Wage Gaps for Highly Educated Young British-Bangladeshi Women

    Education Statistical Agency (HESA) on students who graduated from British higher education institutions in ... British-Bangladeshi students ages 16 and older who intended to enter or were currently in higher education. The ... gender, class, religious, and ethnic dynamics work together to influence a student’s life after their ...
