
Search results

  1. Graduate Student Support Group

    The graduate student support group will meet this Friday, January 29 from 5:00-6:00pm. Meetings ...

  2. Basic Coding & Analysis in Qualitative Research

    Higher Education and Student Affairs in 2019. Antonio's research interests involve advancing ... critical and poststructural perspectives on college student development, experiences, and success. He ...

  3. Breakout Session descriptions

    students and teachers. To be an engaging workshop we will include polls, videos showing examples of our ... physical activity to share the types of exercises we did with the preschool students in the garden. ... especially apparent during the summer of 2020. The deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor ...

  4. "They Say, I Say:" Writing in the Sciences

    "'They Say, I Say' identifies the key rhetorical moves in academic writing, showing students how to ...

  5. Focus on Graduate Student Wellness

    steps toward a healthier, happier, more successful life. The Ohio State University Student Wellness ... Center provides a variety of resources and information to help students succeed while pursuing their ...

  6. Healthy Aging Telecasts

    Yourself Healthy During the Summer Months Guest:  Pat Brinkman, Associate Professor and Extension Educator, ...

  7. Grad/Prof School Survival Skills Workshop

    students. The goal of this event is to aid in your transition to graduate and profesisonal school and will ... advice for this stage in your career  Panels of current graduate and professional students will provide ... for students who are parents You will also learn about resources and services available to support ...

  8. Intranasal deliverable mannose surface conjugated chitosan-based influenza nanovaccine for nursery pigs

    mannose-conjugated CS NPs (mCS NPs-KAg) in pigs was shown to be internalized by mucosal immune cells in nasal ... immune cells with mCS NPs-KAg was found internalized. Maternally derived antibodies carrying nursery pigs ...

  9. Appointing People on Sponsored Programs

    In this session geared toward staff, learn about common types of faculty, graduate student, post ...

  10. Kelly Malone

    Kelly Malone Graduate Program Coordinator Environmental Science Graduate Program 3138 A Smith Lab ...
