
Search results

  1. 2017 OARDC Annual Research Conference “Biological Resistance: Opportunities and Challenges for Agriculture and Society”

    4-H Center, in Columbus Ohio. We will have over 80 posters displayed from Students, Research ...

  2. OSU Livestock Judging Camp

    reasons.  Open to any 4-H age student! Check in and registration will begin Monday at 10:00 a.m. in the ...

  3. Facilities Services

    equipment to give our researchers, faculty members, and students the best possible environment to be ...

  4. Protocol for Introduction of Off-Site Compost Material

    A footbath of Virkon will be used at compost exit. Coveralls or lab coats should be worn during sampling and ...

  5. OARDC Shuttle Bus

    students, professionals and other groups associated with activities at OARDC and ATI on the Wooster campus. ...

  6. The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards

    5-12. More than 100,000 students have been recognized at the local, state and national level since the ...

  7. Student Opportunity to Develop TED-style Communications

    The Infectious Disease Institute team will work with you to advance your communication style to one that enhances your persuasive influence on your target audience!  Please review the information below and contact if you have any questions or ...

  8. Molecular and Cellular Imaging Center

    Illumina sequencing and genotyping) and bioinformatics. We provide fee based services, train students and ...

  9. Faculty Participate in First-Ever "DC Days"

    International Development (USAID) to hear about Feed the Future, USAID’s initiative aimed at global hunger and ...

  10. OARDC Director Steve Slack Inducted Into NIFA Hall of Fame

    international levels and will have demonstrated a measurable and positive impact on the lives of citizens,” ...
