
Search results

  1. Rachel L. Barrett

    flavor preferences. In addition to her research work, Rachel joined six student organizations on campus ... ambassador for Agriculture Future of America (AFA), she helped connect more students to the organization. She ... students at Ohio State.” Through her efforts, student attendance at the AFA Leaders Conference more than ...


    first-generation college student from a small farming community in Ohio. During Kiley’s first ACEL course, she ... (NC-AAAE). In addition to undergraduate research, Kiley was one of 10 U.S. students named to the Cargill ... Global Scholar program, a leadership development experience for university students from around the world ...

  3. Risk of Corn Grain Contamination with Vomitoxin in Ohio in 2024: A July 15th Projection

    stations across the state and used vomitoxin prediction models developed in the Paul lab to estimate the ...

  4. Wheat’s Early, are Oats a Doublecrop ‘Forage’ Option?

    yet this year. For those wanting acres available for multiple grazings or cuttings later this summer ... , a summer annual such as sorghum-sudangrass may be the logical choice. However, if the forage need is not ... immediate, but rather a single grazing or cutting in late summer or fall is preferred, based on our ...

  5. Towers Agricultural Honorary

    Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University.  Any student in The College of Food, Agricultural, and ... Environmental Sciences who has began their third academic semester (or any transfer student who has completed ...


    Systems Management Crown City, OH  First generation college student Kyle Northup began his college career ... student in and the last student out, after asking thoughtful questions,” according to his nominator and ... was like. The insights were invaluable, helping Kyle and other students realize many paths to success. ...

  7. Register for Weed Science Field Day

    Student: Planting Green for Corn Alyssa Essman, Assistant Professor, Weed Science Extension Specialist: New ... Corn and Soybean Product Demonstrations Bayron Hernandez, Graduate Student: Long-term Cover Crops ... Poling, Incoming Graduate Student: Metribuzin in Ultra-Early Planted Soybean Ram Yadav, New Assistant ...

  8. CFAES: Global Education Programs

    programs every year to provide an opportunity for students to enhance their understanding of international ... a full list of Ohio State education abroad programs, visit the  Office of International Affairs Global ...


    won first place. Noah also got involved with organizations outside the lab. He was a member of the ... quality, and regulatory intern at the T. Marzetti Innovation Center, in Lewis Center, Ohio, he worked on ... Currently working with Dr. Ahmed Yousef, Noah is learning new lab skills. He has isolated microbial colonies ...

  10. Agricultural Communication

    environment. Students completing this major earn the degree Bachelor of Science in Agriculture.     Possible Career ... News Reporter Photographer Sales and Advertising Associate Television/Radio Broadcaster Web Developer ...     Classes and Curriculum Students will take classes in journalism, marketing, public relations, writing, ...
