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  1. The Benefits of a Healthy Diet for Children with ADHD

    sizes, over a 90-day period. < Read the complete article on Ohio State News... > adhd children ...

  2. The Ohio Soy Sustainable Summer: Back Again for 2019

    Summer, throughout the summer of 2019. This program reaches a wide audience through our mobile platform, ... Collins, and student assistant, Haley Wilson, a senior studying agriscience education, will be conducting ... the programs this summer. They will facilitate various activities that will inform consumers and ...

  3. FCS 2022 Generation Rx Summer Programs

    misusing prescription drugs with your family, friends, colleagues, students or patients. For more ...

  4. Have No Fear..Honey Bee Swarms are Near

    honey bees or other types of bees, you may wish to check out the Ohio State University’s Bee Lab ...

  5. Panelists

    AAFCS, she joined the staff in 2009. Lori was involved in 4-H for many years as a student and knew as ... state, regional, national, and international level. She served in various leadership capacities for FCS ...

  6. News


  7. Bankruptcy

    people facing financial turmoil wonder if they really need to hire a lawyer to get them through the ... process. The law does not require that you hire an attorney, but bankruptcy is complicated and will have ...

  8. Is it pandemic fatigue, winter blues, or Seasonal affective disorder?

    feel like doing it. The good news is that the shortest day of the year is behind us, and we are getting ... sunscreen, even winter sun can cause damage). Fortunately, SAD does not typically last into the summer, and ...

  9. Ohio Soy Sustainable Summer: Greene County

    The Ohio Soy Sustainable Summer is officially more than halfway through our 22 county fair ... projects on display. Brad and I spoke to these bright students, many of which we are confident will be the ... us @OhioBioProducts on Twitter to keep up with the rest of our county fair schedule this summer! This ...

  10. Who Can Work on Your Farm

    job, including agricultural jobs that are categorized as hazardous. However, if you hire a student ... Farm.” The law treats the children you hire differently depending on their relationship to you. If you ... hire your own child or grandchild, Ohio and federal law allows you to have the child do any type of ...
