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  1. How Implicit Associations Can Thwart Equitable Hiring Decisions

    perception of candidates during the hiring process. In this 90-min workshop we will explore the features of ... implicit bias, how it is formed, and the impact it can have on the evaluation of candidates in the hiring ... process. Strategies for mitigating the impact of bias in the hiring process will be outlined. Register here ...

  2. Navigating Conflict with Skillful Communication: A Dialogue with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and Dr. Aaron Yarmel from CEHV. Watch this event recorded at The Ohio Union on YouTube

    of Living and non-profit International Association for Human Values are part of the largest ...

  3. Safety and Wellness

    The safety and wellness of our students is a top concern. Providing safe, inclusive environments ... while encouraging students to learn and grow can be accomplished when students have strong support ... students including:  Lyft Ride Smart Buckeye Alerts Safety Programs Please visit the safety resources page ...

  4. Student Success Coaching

      Student Success Coaching    "Coaching focuses on future possibilities, not past ... mistakes"  John Whitmore What is coaching? Coaching is an individual, one-on-one meeting to help students ... we help students identify resources and people in their support networks they can rely on while they ...

  5. Belonging and Connection

    There are many ways for students to get connected on campus. Research has shown the importance ot ... students feeling a sense of belonging as it contributes to academic success, mental health well-being, and ... retention. Joining a student organization or an intramural team are two ways in which you can connect with ...

  6. Success Coaching

    What is Success Coaching?  Coaching is an individual, one-on-one meeting to help students outline ... help students identify resources and people in their support networks they can rely on while they ... pursue their education. At the core of coaching, we focus on  presence and awareness  to help students ...

  7. Belonging and Connection

    Research has shown that students who feel a strong sense of belonging i.e. feel welcomed, accepted, and ... OSU: Join a student organization (or start a new one)- Look for student organizations affliated with ...

  8. Cultivating Change for LGBTQ+ Students Interested in Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

    Come join a community of Ohio State LGBTQ+ students and their allies who are interested in food, ... provide a safe, inclusive network for students to learn, grow, and explore. The connection with the ... national foundation provides a pipeline to jobs within agriculture. Student leaders have the opportunity to ...

  9. Safety Resources

    The Department of Public Safety provides many resources for students including trainings, ... IX resources. Report a Crime Safe and Healthy Buckeyes(opens in new window) Student Life Home Safety ... Devices(opens in new window) Student Life Off-Campus Housing Network(opens in new window) Student Legal ...

  10. Finding Connections on Campus

    Research has shown that students who feel a strong sense of belonging i.e. feel welcomed, accepted, and ... OSU: Join a student organization (or start a new one)- Look to the left for student organizations ...
