
Search results

  1. Seeding Perennial Forages in Late Summer

    the ideal time for filling in gaps in seedings made this spring. The primary risk with late summer ... a companion crop with new late summer forage seedings because the companion crop can compete for moisture and ... summer. Make sure that the field surface is relatively level and smooth if you plan to no-till because you ...

  2. Bring on the Heat

    homes in the summer or winter, dairy cows are the same. They have upper and lower critical temperatures, ... with and bottoms out in the summer, but adding extreme heat to the mix can likely exacerbate the issue. ... caused by ruminal fermentation. Additionally, rebreeding cows may also be delayed in the summer for ...

  3. VOLUME 25: ISSUE 2


  4. Happy Retirement to Dianne Shoemaker

    interest developed into a tangible goal and vision for her career throughout her time as a student at the ... along with the opportunity to tour with Elsie the cow during her days as an undergraduate student ... statewide dairy and crop financial summaries.  In recent years, upon hiring additional technicians, she has ...

  5. Change Your Employee Recruitment and Interview Mindset

    hiring the right employee for your farm situation.  For many farms, employee recruitment, interviewing, ... and hiring requires a mindset adjustment. How do you attract dependable farm employees? What is your ... goal and objective when you hire a farm employee?  I once heard Bernie Erven, professor emeritus of The ...

  6. Anna McSurley

    Anna McSurley Student Assistant Current Staff or Lab Members ...

  7. Kyle Hua

    Kyle Hua Student Assistant Current Staff or Lab Members ...

  8. OARDC Internship Boosts Northeast Ohio Students Science Interests, Skills

    Its also good for my lab to have smart students who are motivated to accomplish something, and its ... August 13, 2008 WOOSTER, Ohio € Thirty-eight high-school and undergraduate students have spent ... this summer doing what is typically available only to scholars in graduate school: conducting ...

  9. Nick Choi

    Nick Choi PhD Student Rice immune gene functions and signaling pathways ... Current Staff or Lab Members ...

  10. Professor to be Named as Fellow of Institute of Food Technologists

    meeting in Las Vegas on June 25. "This is the largest national and international organization that ... Technology. "Bala was recognized for his national and international contributions and reputation in the ... accomplishments." Balasubramaniam's lab has pioneered innovative research on pressure-assisted thermal ...
