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  1. Dr. Eric Williams presents paper at IAFOR London

    International Academic Forum's annual humanities conference held in London. Dr. Williams presented on the ... Student Engagement.         ...

  2. Engaged Scholarship Symposium – Nov. 1

    symposium will highlight faculty, staff, and students who are co-creating scholarship with our community. ...

  3. Note from David Civittolo

    The summer seems to be slipping away. State fair will be here before we know it, and then it will ... request for proposal details. Please be sure to read the overview of information included in this News and ...

  4. Publications Order Process in Workday

    Expand on the Business Purpose in Internal Memo Be sure to fill in all MEMO fields: Memo to supplier ... should include your sales invoice number(s) and Internal Memo is the Business Purpose field. You will ...

  5. CFAES advancing animal agriculture with new Waterman Dairy

    of the previous dairy at Waterman as part of the 261-acre lab, will be equipped with leading-edge ... a modern dairy that will impact the student experience and tell the story of dairy farming and milk ... enhance our student learning and bring more people in to educate about the dairy industry and agriculture ...

  6. Headed to Columbus and need a workspace?

    For faculty and staff seeking a quiet and private workspace, explore the diverse hoteling options available across the Columbus campus. ...

  7. ATI Grad in the News: Dr. Casey Skowron

    ATI graduate Dr. Casey Skowron was recently featured in the BG Independent News. He is the Wood ...

  8. Money Management Virtual Workshop

    improve your credit score Student loan debt management The Money Management workshop is a total of eight ...

  9. Money Management Virtual Workshop

    improve your credit score Student loan debt management The Money Management workshop is a total of eight ...

  10. Money Management Virtual Workshop

    improve your credit score Student loan debt management The Money Management workshop is a total of eight ...
