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  1. September Dairy Judging Update

    priceless experiences on farm visits out of state, and the networking with other students.  It is ... students at ATI and Emily and Hillary are both at Ohio State, Columbus.  This team represents many years of ... travelled with me and the collegiate students! Also, thanks to Bernie Heisner who chaperoned and delivered ...

  2. What The Emergence of Social Media Can Teach Us About the Future of the Bioeconomy

    was written by Bradley Collins, OBIC Student Assistant and Senior at The Ohio State University. ...

  3. Dairy Educational Forum and Open House

    in attendance from at least four states. Nationally and internationally known speaker, Dr. Judith ...

  4. Dairy Youth Program Updates

    judging students are in charge of the parlor.  Spring Dairy Expo is not only an event but also ... a destination where the dairy industry can connect with students and the next generation. If you have never been ...

  5. FIC Course Information

    ensuring quality. Includes hands-on lab sessions where attendees can test and evaluate their own ... company's products. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point- (HACCP) Upon completing this International ...

  6. CABLE Student Delegate Spotlight: Leyla Battista

    various areas of the bioeconomy and how best I can fit into it. Student Delegate Spotlight ...

  7. Feed Prices are A-Changin'!

    I expect that this will be my last Buckeye Dairy News contribution for a while, as Dr. St-Pierre has ...

  8. An Investment to Build Upon: New “Dairy Freestall Housing and Equipment” Handbook Released

    Extension Thirty-five dollars.  That would buy a summer’s worth of my favorite ice cream treats at the ...

  9. het land van de Friese koeien en paarden (The Land of Friesian Cows and Horses)

    grazing the lush green pastures. Ten OSU students and my wife and I left for the Netherlands on Monday, ... students into the veterinary program each year. It also is the only university outside the U.S. that is ... public’s push for preserving the pastoral setting. The OSU students who participated in the Netherlands ...

  10. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    industry went through until late summer of 2013, and also to make much needed re-investments in machinery ... (-9¢/lb).  It is summer time, a period when high fiber byproducts are typically a bargain.  Meanwhile, unit ...
