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Graduate Student Dissertation/Thesis Write-In
The CFAES Graduate Student Support Group will host a dissertation/thesis write-in on Wednesday, ... December 4 starting at 9am in Howlett 139. A write-in is a quiet space for students to get together to ... from 9am-12:00pm and students may come and go as they wish. You are welcome to bring an additional ...
8th Annual Holigay Celebration
Join the Student Life Multicultural Center and LGBTQ Student Initiatives for a night of friends, ...
Ibram X. Kendi on "How to Be an Antiracist"
Research. He is a columnist at The Atlantic and a correspondent with CBS News. He is the author of five ...
Graduate Student Dissertation/Thesis Write-In
The CFAES Graduate Student Support Group will host a dissertation/thesis write-in on Friday, ... November 22 starting at 9am in Howlett 139. A write-in is a quiet space for students to get together to ... from 9am-12:00pm and students may come and go as they wish. You are welcome to bring an additional ...
M. Abundo Master's Defense Presentation
Respiratory Bacterial Microbiota in Chickens” Michael Abundo Masters Student Advisor: Dr. Chang Won Lee Food ... all faculty, staff, students, postdocs and visiting scholars Looking forward to seeing you all. ...
Inclusive Excellence in Hiring
This 75-minute training provides an overview of best practices for recruiting a diverse candidate pool. Although this program primarily focuses on faculty searches, much of the content applies also to staff searches. Participants will examine the role tha ...
Honduras: The Heart of America
graduate students from Honduras. Please see flyer for more details. ...
Understanding Generational Diversity in Today’s Workplace: Creating Synergies Through Effective Communication
advised students and alumni at Methodist University, Denison University, Columbus State Community College, ... Toledo and a MEd in Higher Education Administration with specialization in Student Affairs from North ...
CFAES Awarded Distinguished U.S. Department of Agriculture Borlaug Fellowships
under the leadership of the Office of International Programs in Agriculture, have been awarded ... international research fellowships through the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Borlaug International ... Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program. By working with a distinguished visiting international ...
Addressing Equity and Inclusion in Your Research Mentoring
This workshop is designed for mentors of undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs, and junior ... receive resources and materials to support effective mentoring of graduate students and postdoctoral ...