
Search results

  1. Lauren Hostert's Graduate Defense Seminar

    A Graduate Defense Seminar will be presented by  Lauren Hostert, an MS student in Fisheries and ...

  2. SENR Community reflects on why they like to ride

    find out why they ride.     Lauren Blyth, a graduate student in the school rides about 7 miles one-way ...

  3. Study: An Apple a Day Lowers Level of Blood Chemical Linked to Hardening of the Arteries

    a Master's thesis by graduate student Shi Zhao, and was funded by a grant from the U.S. Apple ...

  4. Researcher Seeks to Solve Tomato Shape Riddle, Develop New Varieties

    like regular tomatoes but without any seeds. This might be of interest to seed companies and great news ...

  5. Study: Consumers Value Safer Food More Than Current Analyses Suggest

    February 8, 2011 Editor: This news release was also distributed by Ohio State University's ...

  6. Iceland 2016 Student Blog

    Entr y 1 Entry 2 Entry 3 Entry 4 Entry 5 Entry 6 Entry 7 Entry 8 Entry 9 Entry 10 Entry 11 Entry 12 Entry 1 We Made It! Rebecca We finally took our first, highly anticipated, steps in country and have officially begun our Icelandic journey. Our travels we ...

  7. The Do’s and Don’ts of Contacting Professors about Research

    faculty member.   Learn from current students about the steps they took to obtain their research positions ...

  8. Cold Snap May Slow Crop Pests, But Scouting Still Essential

    control the aphids during the summer months is low, the ladybeetles may prevent the aphids from ...

  9. Take Steps to Control Ornamental Plant Diseases

    throughout the summer. As long as it stays wet, the disease will be hard to control." Good sanitation ...

  10. OSU Extension and 4-H Team Up on ATV Safety

    National 4-H Council are teaming up this summer and fall to educate ATV operators so that a fun time ...
