
Search results

  1. ACEL well represented at NACS

    Graduate students Alyssa Rockers and Abby Sanders, along with faculty Dr. Emily Buck, Dr. Joy Rumble and ...

  2. Ohio State’s AgriNaturalist named top student produced magazine

    The 2017  Agri Naturalist was named the top magazine produced by students by the National ... is an annual magazine produced by students in the agricultural communication major as a capstone ... project. It is also the longest running agricultural student publication in the United States, with the ...

  3. Howell completes internship with Fulton County Extension

    prepares students to teach agricultural science in secondary high schools. Our program provides students ...

  4. Kitchel completes Big Ten Leadership Program

    Academic Alliance universities, which focused on contemporary issues in higher education, internal and ...

  5. Research Proposal I

    AEE 8851 Companion course with 8850 in which students prepare a draft of chapter one for their ... theses/dissertation research. Students will be supervised by their graduate advisor in collaboration with the 8850 ...

  6. Students compete at CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum

    Three of our students competed in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences ... Students' Decision to Major in Agriscience Education" Brianna Gwirtz, a senior studying agricultural ... CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum provides a means for undergraduate students to share their research ...

  7. Home

    a place to share news, announce events and find resources and information. This is an exciting opportunity ...

  8. Data visualization class designed to increase science communication

    communication, designed the course following conversations with agricultural communication students seeking an ... their students struggle with design, relating to their science and data, simply because they are not ... students another design course and offer something as a service course for those graduate or undergraduate ...

  9. Seven ACEL students named CFAES Outstanding Seniors

    Oustanding Seniors, which includes seven students from the Department of Agricultural Communication, ... Education, and Leadership.   Those students include: Christine Balint, an agriscience education major from ... 27, 2018 at the Fawcett Center and will be introduced during the CFAES Celebration of Students ...

  10. Graduate Orientation Seminar

    career roles. Prereq: Not open to student with credit for 795.07. Repeatable to a maximum of 3 cr hrs. ...
