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First day of classes for Summer Session 2014
Meet the Students in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
New Graduate Student Orientation
Breeder Contributions Helped Shape Soybean Industry
from a high school where agriculture was not the career most students pursued. But for St. Martin, ...
Graduate Students
Dwindling U.S. Internal Migration: Evidence of a Spatial Equilibrium
Dwindling U.S. Internal Migration: Evidence of a Spatial Equilibrium
The 7th Annual Stinner Summer
The 7th Annual Stinner Summit will be held at the Happy Days Lodge in Cuyahoga Valley National Park on Friday, October 4. ...
Farmland As a Multi-Service Resource: Policy Trends and International Comparisons
Bad News for Growers: Too Much Wheat Means Low Prices
August 11, 2006 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is. For Ohio wheat growers, this "Yogism" could not be closer to the truth. With a season of increased acreage and higher-than-n ...