
Search results

  1. CFAES facility in southern Ohio celebrates 25 years

    and the nation, as well as internationally. “That’s ultimately what the university does, bring new ...

  2. Canadian Horseweed

    horseweed is an erect winter or summer annual reaching 6 1/2 ft in height. Seedlings develop a basal rosette ...

  3. OARDC’s Steve Slack inducted into NIFA Hall of Fame

    local, regional, national or international levels and will have demonstrated a measurable and positive ...

  4. Fulbright Week at Ohio State

    Graduate student schedule information located at: ...

  5. Kissing bugs here in Ohio? No need to get in a pucker: OARDC scientists

    the mouth to suck their blood — have been in the news in recent months due to fear of them spreading ...

  6. Seeing (and using) the good in manure and keeping our water clean, too

    algal blooms plaguing Lake Erie and other water bodies. The issue made headlines in summer 2014 when ...

  7. 2016 Northeast Ohio Twilight Grape Tour

    OSU Extension is pleased to announce to the Northeast Ohio Summer Twilight Tour will be held on ...

  8. Visiting Expert, Dr Francisco Meza

    interdisciplinary Center witin PUC, composed of faculty and graduate students from Biology, Agronomy, Geography, ...

  9. Student and Youth Success

    Environmental Sciences prepares students to successfully progress into worthwhile careers. ...

  10. EPN Breakfast Club: Energy Efficiency

    processing fee.) Student participation is encouraged We encourage student participation in the monthly ... breakfasts. OSU graduate and undergraduate students may request a “scholarship” covering the cost of ... attendance by emailing their request to David Hanselmann (mcleod.53 prior to registering.  Student ...
