
Search results

  1. Spring 2014 SENR Seminar Series

    Gretel Bloch fund, Agroecosystems Management Program, Office of Student Life, Multicultural Center and ...

  2. Media Advisory: PLANET Day of Service in Secrest Arboretum Tomorrow (4/22)

    April 21, 2011 WOOSTER, Ohio-- More than 50 landscaping and horticulture students from the Medina ...

  3. OSU Extension ID System for Animal-Drawn Vehicles Becomes Standard

    way for national and international adoption of safety procedures on vehicles, such as Amish buggies, ...

  4. Asssessment of Management Practices on Soil Compaction in Ohio Soils

    A Graduate Defense Seminar by Tania D. Burgos Hernandez, MS Student in Soil Science, who will ...

  5. NE Ohio Nursery Plants Trees in Tornado-hit Secrest: 'It's a Pay-it-forward Thing'

    business,” said Cekada’s son Kirk, Rusty Oak’s field manager and a former student of Cochran at ... student of Cochran too. “Ken was my supervisor and taught a lot of my classes,” Kirk Cekada ...

  6. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Jan. 28

    Registration $90, student registration $65. Feb. 4: Ohio State University Agricultural ... prospective students; breakfast, lunch included. Free. Information: ... p.m., 1328 Dover Road, Wooster. Sessions and activities for prospective students; breakfast, lunch ...

  7. Crop Production Input Costs to Increase in 2008

    transportation costs and higher demand both internationally and stateside, have led to price increases in ...

  8. Hot, dry season putting damper on corn yield potential

    Thomison said. "Because of the intense heat and lack of rainfall this summer, some of that corn ...

  9. Chow Line: Pumpkin seeds pack a lot of punch (for 10/24/10)

    dietetic intern in the Department of Human Nutrition in the College of Education and Human Ecology. Martha ...

  10. Chow Line: Know your numbers: calorie counts differ (for 8/16/09)

    Survey: Consumer Attitudes toward Food, Nutrition, and Health," conducted by the International Food ...
