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Ohio Fish Farms Rising Fast: $50M Impact, New Jobs
center’s labs to farmers in the field-- or pond, as the case may be-- who use it to grow their farms, ...
Chow Line: Expose children to more vegetables (for 8/17/08)
research shows that the more exposed students are to fresh vegetables, the more vegetables they tend to ...
Horsemen's Association Meeting
On Tuesday March 7th, OSU Horsemen's Association will have there next meeting at the OSU horse barn. We will have a carpool leaving at 6pm in front of Plumb Hall. This will be an opportunity to have a hands on experience with the new baby foals. As a ...
Quadrathlon Results
Congratulations to Amanda O’Connor, Abby Ratcliff, Allie Schroeder, and Zach Yaufman for winning the OSU Animal Science Quadrathlon this past week. They will represent Ohio State at the Midwest American Society of Animal Science meetings over spring brea ...
Properly Manage Invasive Plant Species at Farm Science Review
log on to For the latest news and updates, follow Farm Science Review on Twitter ...
February 19, 2017
February 12, 2017
Direct Marketers May Be Exempt From Food License Registration or by following links on "Growers News" and ...
No-Till, Controlled Traffic: A Winning Combo for Harvest Woes
use of the technology due to the time and cost to transition to the system. "The good news is ...
Horsemen's Association Meeting
On Tuesday February 21st, OSU Horsemen's Association will have their next meeting in Plumb Hall room 102 at 6pm. This will be both a social and community service meeting. Getting to know each other better while making dog toys for our other furry fri ...