
Search results

  1. Dr. Bruce Harte to give Harris Award Lecture

    from its inception in 1987 to 2007.  Dr. Harte has been very involved internationally and was an ... executive board member of the International Association of Packaging Research Institutes from 1993 – 2003.  ... U.S. and internationally.  Dr. Harte’s research has been principally in the area of food packaging, ...

  2. Litchfield receives University's Distinguished Service Award

    University’s Distinguished Service Award. He will be recognized during the 2016 Summer Commencement. The ...

  3. Ukrainian Ag Econ Professors Improve Skillsets at Ohio State through USDA Faculty Exchange Program

    collaboration of CFAES’ Office of International Programs in Agriculture and the Department of Agricultural, ... "student-centered", differs from higher education instruction in Ukraine, where courses are typically more ... lecture-based and rigid.   Ukraine’s outdated style of instruction provides little room for students to fully ...

  4. Ohio State’s Food Industries Center responds to the needs of the food industry with online continuing education

    Basics, Advanced CIP, Introduction to Dairy Processing and Management, or Dairy Lab for Improved Quality. ...

  5. Brazilian Scholar Advances Research on Small Fruits in Controlled Environments

    production systems, I began looking for international partners with whom I could effectively advance this ...

  6. A Deeper Look Into Food Safety, Quality: Ohio State Scientist Wins Research Award

    WOOSTER, Ohio-- Ohio State University scientist Luis Rodriguez-Saona, a national and international ...

  7. Ohio State Ranks Near Top on Peace Corps' 2014 Top Schools List

    the most critical challenges in international development.” Krystal Seger of Minster, Ohio, an alumna ... considered for. Graduating college students are encouraged to browse open programs and apply by April 1 for ... assignments departing fall 2015. The Peace Corps works with Ohio State’s Office of International Programs in ...

  8. Tanzanian Women Seek to Shape the Next Generation of Extension Agents

    Office of International Programs in Agriculture (IPA), administers a major USAID-funded food security ... technologies get to them,” says Dr. Mark Erbaugh, Director of the Office of International Programs in ... training programs for Tanzanian students, emphasized the need for adequate infrastructure and technology to ...

  9. Borlaug Dialogue and World Food Prize

    THE NORMAN E. BORLAUG INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, known informally as the "Borlaug ...

  10. Who to trust for the truth about food

    Holland, who is now a contributing editor for Health News Review, an online non-profit organization that ... critiques medical and health news stories. It takes time and energy to understand science, and journalists ...
