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  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-34

    conditions we experienced this past summer, including drought in many areas, have resulted in major stalk ... reported- in some cases, corn has been nearly flattened by recent storms. The good news is that the warm, ...

  2. Pre-Fair Message to 2015 4-H/FFA Horse Youth, Parents, and Advisors

    Booth Stick Horse Races in the Horse Arena this year following contest classes Sunday evening- Summer ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-35

    Nielsen, R.L.  2010.  Hybrid Selection: Where's the Beef?  Corny News Network, Purdue Univ.  Available ... at:  (URL accessed Oct 18 2010) Correction to ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-06

    control. If herbicides are applied now, later-emerging summer annuals, such as ragweeds and the creeping ... effective on most summer annuals. For best results apply before weeds reach the 4-leaf stage or a height of ... Early Burndown Herbicides Authors: Mark Loux The goal of winter annual weed management should be ...

  5. TWEL William Graser Thesis

    summer body condition index and site type for females (P = 0.201), however there was a significant ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-20

    in the coming weeks to gain more confidence in this pattern change by later summer or early autumn. ... There’s also a great video available online at ...

  7. POSTPONED- Travis Shaul's Graduate Defense Seminar

    MS student in Environmental Social Sciences, on Thursday, June 26th at 10:30 a.m. in 370 Kottman ...

  8. Graduate Defense Seminar

      Juan G. Perez Saez, MS student in Environmental Social Sciences, will present Recruiting the ...

  9. Soil Compaction Management at Harvest Time

    we can actually use tillage when it is needed to alleviate compaction, such as ruts left this summer ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-30

    summer. Early reports indicate that the all but one field has very few beetle counts. Based on these ... counts we cannot make a prediction. But all indications so far this summer suggest that the variant ... area of interest. Analytical labs in and around Ohio can be found at the following website: ...
