
Search results

  1. Dig In! Training

    training is a requirement to have a garden in the Summer Sprout program. Please fill out one application ...

  2. School and Youth Gardens

    farmers and a win for students.  Here are some additional resources on Farm to School. *  National Farm to ...

  3. Gardening for Conservation Webinar Series

    Join OSU Extension and The Nature Conservancy for a series of webinars this spring and summer that ...

  4. Indirects

    make decisions on the internal allocation and use of indirects based on their budgetary needs. To find ...

  5. osuwireless Will Retire Soon

    Ohio State is transitioning to eduroam as the primary secure network for Ohio State students ... , faculty and staff, with osuwireless retiring in summer 2024. Connect to eduroam by visiting ...

  6. CFAES Student Recruitment Information

    Interacting with high school students and families who have an interest in food, agriculture, or ... environmental sciences? Prospective Student Services has created a OneDrive folder containing single-page ...

  7. Engage: Extension Data Portal Update

    important news. In our March edition, a new playlist on the LOD YouTube channel was shared where you can ...

  8. Summer Sprout Garden Leader Kick Off

    GLKO will be held this Saturday, April 6th, 2024! Our guest speakers will be Summer Sprout’s very ...

  9. FFMPI Accepting Applications for Affiliated Faculty and Staff

    hired to directly work for FFMPI). Individuals will be selected based on their demonstrated interest in ... The ability to build internal and external networks and develop potential outreach and research ... accomplishments of FFMPI faculty and staff, their students, and collaborators for communications or marketing ...

  10. Social Media Posts – University Branding Applies

    adhered to when creating career recruitment posts that often read “We’re hiring!” If you have questions ...
