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  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-04

    summer annual crops in Ohio tends to make weed control more difficult, since it promotes the continuous ... selection for weed species that are most successful in this cropping system. Within this summer annual ... protect corn from rootworms this coming summer is greater. Growers should remember that there are numerous ...

  2. Plant Germplasm Center Steadily Building Collection

    graduate students throughout the world seeking to further their research and assist in the center's ...

  3. New Ohio State Swank Chair to Tackle Rural-Urban Issues

    offers new experiences for students in Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development ...

  4. Ohio State Awarded Three Grants to Support International Collaboration on Global Issues

    COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Ohio State University has been awarded three grants of up to $250,000 each as part of the Global Innovation Initiative, a new program funded by the governments of the United States and the United Kingdom to foster multilateral researc ...

  5. Animal Welfare Programs Foster Human/Animal Relationship

    State Department of Primary Industries. The Centre is internationally recognized as a leading research ...

  6. News


  7. Improving Grape Quality with Precision Agriculture

    successes by using the technology." Ehsani, along with graduate student Dharmendra Saraswat, are ...

  8. Fungus May Help Control Tick Populations

    a biopesticide may have some application in controlling tick populations. Ohio State University graduate student ...

  9. News


  10. Family Fundamentals: Talk with teens about impact of pregnancy (for April 2009)

    students are saying about teen parenthood, your daughter is opening a door for dialogue. You might find it ...
